Only Human

I’ve been thinking lately:
Why is “you’re only human” always used to discourage or console or excuse?
Let’s give this expression a second look.

You are human.
You are made of the same stuff as stars.
The proportions of water and solid matter in your body
are a perfect ratio for the water and solid matter of the earth itself.
There are whole ecosystems contained within your digestive system alone.
Every second, cells in your body are making entirely new cells.
Your neurons are firing.
Your heart is pumping.
Countless systems are working in sync within you.
You are human.

You are human.
You have a story.
Your story is wholly yours, and no other human’s story is the same.
You have an awareness of past, present, and future.
You are capable of growth and change.
You can acquire wisdom and pass it on.
You are human.

You are human.
You are made in the image of God.
Whole universes exist in your imagination.
You can create, make decisions, and love.
You can feel empathy and compassion.
You can form communities and wage peace.
You can build relationships and make family
no matter where you find yourself in this world.
You are human.

We are human.
We have experiences and thoughts and beliefs
which every other human shares.
We are like all others.
We have experiences and thoughts and beliefs
which are unique to our communities.
We are like some others.
We have experiences and thoughts and beliefs
which only we can understand.
We are like no other.
We are human.

There’s no “only” to this.
You are human.
You are amazing.
You are unique.
You are a miracle.
You are loved.
You are human.

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