Always Welcome at God’s Table

I often encounter people who are worried God will turn away from them because of their doubts and questions and difficult emotions. To me, a God who would do this sounds pretty insecure, and while I never want to criticize someone else’s beliefs, I will often push back on this one. I believe God is not just infinite in power and knowledge but also in grace, meaning there is nothing we can do to push God away or make ourselves unwelcome at God’s table. As such, we are welcome to share any disappointment or frustration or doubt.

I will often pose the question, “Is there anything you can say to God that would take God off the throne?” The answer is always “no,” to which I respond, “Then you can safely say whatever you’re feeling.”
No question can diminish God’s power or God’s love of humanity, so ask away.
No expression of emotion can undercut God’s grace, so share away.
All are welcome, no matter what fears or burdens or sorrows we may carry.
If you believe God is infinite in grace, then nothing you feel can push God away.

This post is one of several on a series of principles guiding bar chaplaincy. To start from the beginning, click here.

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